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Old 10-04-2011, 05:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Nymphea
Hi Cristina.
I have done it too in the past. Not really cut the cord but I rejected him form my mind when he came in. But it had the opposite effect. Every time I did this, he came back even stronger, giving me a lot of signs everywhere I looked. Nowadays when I am tyred of the connection for a short time, I friendly send him away and ask him to come back later. This works really well.

HI Nymphea!!

It's quite interesting it came back stronger... I guess it didn't work for you then.. your original method... And, it was as easy as a friendly request?? What kinds of connections did you do this for?? Soulmates or twin flames... I want to learn to live happily without the constant longing or thought in my mind... as, our situation (mine and a soulmate/tf) precludes us from being together all the time... but, we are friends. I was advised to cut the chord if it became too much - I question losing the bond as such... but, then again the first reply said you would not lose the bond - it would come back... and, I really don't ever want to lose the connection... just learn to manage it comfortably into my life. Cristina
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