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Old 28-08-2019, 02:59 AM
Showlin Showlin is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2019
Posts: 6
All the responses.are.much appreciated,

*Water intake

The supplements are liquid by my preference,and the difference between capsules and liquids is that liquids.Will take effect immediately,but will in fact be flushed out sooner,especially with me urinating 5-10 times a day,and I neglected to take that into consideration. Much appreciated advice that i will.take.into.consideration,even though fluids are significantly cheaper,i might pay extra for capsules. The Kidneys are probaobly taxed,and I have recently cut down to 3\4 .a gallons
day,just because I've been drinking that much for over a year now a2nd it makes it a little me. On the positive side,I drink.about the healthiest water a.middle class person can get thier hands on(with ACV and shungite added to the pitcher,purifying it of chlorine,Flouride or any other artificial ingredients that end up in the tap). ACV eenhances the nutritional value,along with balancing minor heartburn and helping back pain.

*Doctor and prescribed meds

I'm not against.pharmaceuticals,,it's just that I feel it.more beneficial to.self medicate, when in the case of an emergency,I would have 0 access to the bare necessities,such as\water ,Honey,a variety of calming teas,and.CBS oil,things that have been around thousands.of years,yet i.would have my 1 prescribed.medicine that's taken once.a.month,and 5 and leave me In a hospital.for.who knows how long. Not even taking into consideration EMF's,unfiltered tapwater, "hospital" food.and all.the other available.herbs that are highly abundant at a very affordable price(most.of which are listed in OP,but there are a few more such as garlic). However as native Spirit pointed out,i do feel there needs to be much more. My .living condition isn't the most comfortable and have been searching for.a.more stable.enciornment.for.months,yet.stills.searching . For.instance,doing Qigong for.depression the sun would be a great solvent.for.depressiom,it's just.that i.don't feel very xomfortabke.with the surroundings.Also,as mentioned by Lucky, I'm even lacking vit D.and C
and I have very little control.over that.if.I'm signed.I'm at a hospital. I'm convinced that the environment I have(moderately stable.income) is much preferrab!e to an ER\hospital (atleast im the long term). There.are even organic sunscreens that provide.vit.D,just add.vit c. Even certain light bulbs that can be bought that give.%100 natural vitamin D,it's just financial situation isn't the best atm. Ironically enoug h I have Insurance for Hospital\Chiropractic\Vision\Acupuncuture\Dental,i t's just that I self medicate in hopes to.make those.processes easier and lesstime.consuming,especially.since im unable to utlitze them at this moment. And the freedom I feel of knowing im self.sufficient.even without them is very helpful for me.I do plan on utilizing these,just in the near future. Especially.Chiro/ Acu.


Due to not having alot of cash,over the months I've finally gained a strong financial hold,and virtually only pay for cost of living now, which include,just that-rent,food,and medicine,which leaves me.about left after the months over to save incase of emergency\more medicine. It also leaves me much free time to work on myself and talk to God\angels. @Josephine-Medicine runs me at most $150 every 2-3 months because the herbs are mixed together synergistically by the creator,so soon,because I've been struggling,I'll be able to make my monthly trips,and get the best of both worlds.

On a spiritual note, I've been meditating daily with various crystals and talking to my angels,as.I've been seeing master numbers for 4-7 months. A reminder that although im Struggling In.the.mundane world, ima master in an aspect that.I've yet to realize,and recently feel the pain more than ever since i started seeing master numbers. I've also been studying vigorously,which is tiring both physically and mentally,and I feel.the burn out.

healing with the stones is contributing greatly to the emotional intensity due to a severe lack of freedom and adventure(Im a. life number 5). The stones I have are :

Amethyst,rose.quartz,carnelian,citrine,cryatal.qua rtz, tigers eye,dragons eye,double thunderegg and.a pineal gland stone that I've had for years but been unable to identify. I occasionally include the small peices of shungite because the color black is associated with Kidneys\Winter in TCM. Lastly,I've been sleeping to 432 htz music,that's naturally healing which has helped noticeably. I would highly recommend looking into it for anyone whos interest is peaked!

Last edited by Showlin : 28-08-2019 at 06:57 AM.
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