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Old 22-02-2018, 11:46 AM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
My teacher's experience:

I flew! "It was a delightful moment - my body levitated.This event occurred on a cold night in February 1985. For several years I was engaged in spiritual practice based mainly on the theory of yoga, following my own method I practiced in my Tokyo apartment near the station of Shibuya, every evening, students came to me, and we practiced together.On that memorable night, several of my students quietly sat in a corner and ate something. control Vayu), Sukha pranayama purvakam, Traybandy and Nauli (the last two practices, designed for spiritual awakening; see Chapter 4, "Levitation") I started Meditation Completion ....
This time something strange happened. My eyes were closed, but a bright light streamed from my forehead. The top of the head became hot. What an intolerable fever! It seemed as if a piece of red-hot iron had been put on my head. No, to sustain such it is impossible! The heat was so strong that it made me quit meditation. However, my daily program is not yet complete! What to do? The experience was unusual, and I was afraid to continue my studies. In addition, the following practice, like no other, promotes brain stimulation. But I said to myself: "I do not have to stop halfway." After a while I calmed down and went to Bastrik-pranayama, the closing practice of that day. In the stillness of the cold room, only a sharp exhalation sound was heard: "Shhh ... shhh ... shhsh ..." After a few minutes my body was vibrating, and for the first time it seemed to me that I had been thrown up. I was a little surprised, but there was no time for reflection. At the same moment, the energy vayu flew up from the coccyx to the top of the head. My body - and I was sitting in Padmasan - began to jump, like a rubber ball. But that was not all. After jumping for the last time, I hung in the air. "Levitation!" - lightning pierced in my brain. Then, as if waking from sleep, I sank to the floor. Levitation was over. "You levitated!", "He really flew!" - shouted in excitement my students who witnessed this, indeed, mystical scene. I myself was amazed and very excited. So, my supernatural power grew so much that I could finally levitate. I was convinced that the practice I was engaged in was correct. I practiced alone, without a teacher, by trial and error. But success in levitation showed me that I'm on the right track. For me, having survived the difficult years, it was an excellent result
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