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Old 11-09-2018, 02:45 AM
revelant revelant is offline
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Newly proposed theory supports the concept of reincarnation

This theory supports the proposition that physical reality and the observable universe exists as a hologram on the 2D surface of a black hole.* The theory makes a distinction between the physical universe which we can observe [and which is finite in time and space] and the sterile free space vacuum within which our*observable universe exists. *- and which [from the perspective of existing in spacetime], therefore*cannot be*observed. The free space vacuum represents the static rest state of the universe [if left to its' own devices] - possessing zero mass or energy*and represents the ultimate definition of nothingness.* It would also be reasonable to declare that this definition of nothingness as defined by the model represents an infinite universe outwith the dimensions of time and space and within which physical reality and our finite observable universe exists.

This 'unobservability' of the static rest state of the universe isn't just to do with the technological restrictions on the limits imposed by the* accuracy of the measuring equipment, it is ultimately* infinitely unknowable and this is determined by*the simple fact that the measuring equipment is itself constantly moving through space and time, and that therefore any measurements or calculations of time and space*can only be made from the perspective*of existing within*the space time continuum. As such, the Planck constant represents the barrier between that which*can ever be known of the observable universe, and that which can never be known.** **

The ultimate conclusions*of this theory are as follows:*

1. The observable universe in which we exist is but one in an*infinity of separate and individual finite universes which exists in the universe as a whole. The laws of physics as we understand them* applies to each individual separate universe and*throughout the universe as a whole.*The geometrical* structure of the universe as a whole is an infinite fractal based on expanding spirals within spirals.*

The specific physical process which creates the Big Bang which initiates the beginning of the relative time and space of each individual universe can only be performed by a living organism. This principle of course also applies to the Big Bang of our own observable universe.

The living organism which created the BB of our own universe exists within it's own relative parent universe - and the external universe which can be observed by any living organism can be regarded as being the child universe which was created within the parent universe of the living being which created the BB of the child universe. This process of the creation of individual universes*occurs ad infinitum and is perpetual.* * * *

2. From the perspective of any given*atom of matter*at any given moment in time, the nucleus represents the relative centre of the observable universe in*which*it exists. Since living tissue is made of atoms, this concept also applies to every*living organism in the universe.**

3. The physical body of living organisms has a finite mortal lifespan. Every living organism*which can intentionally move independently in 3D space*possesses a level consciousness to a lesser or greater degree. The individual consciousness which a living*organism possesses has an infinite and eternal existence which is outwith the confines of space and time and therefore physical reality. For every living organism, physical reality is finite in time and space - whilst the consciousness which it possesses is infinite and eternal.* As such, each and every*organism represents the present mortal living*custodian of it's own immortal consciousness.*

4. *Although the physical observable universe is finite, time and space in respect of the universe as a whole is infinite. As such, the number of habitable planets with civilisations with an intellect which is* comparable*to human beings is also infinite. If we apply the recognised principle of infinity [which states*that a room full of monkeys with eternal access to 100 typewriters will eventually produce the works of Shakespeare], then it is reasonable to assume that in an infinity of habitable planets, every possible permutation of types*of societies on those planets*will be represented.**

5. This theory states that consciousness is*directly related to the speed of light. The type of society which exists on the surface of any given planet represents the frequency of the specific collective consciousness of the inhabitants of that planet.*

At the moment of death of any given human being, their consciousness is instantaneously reborn [reincarnated] into another physical body. Since consciousness exists outwith the confines of physical space and time,*the new body into which it is reincarnated can occupy any other alternative coordinates of space-time and*physical reality. It goes without saying perhaps that the physical body which the consciousness is reincarnated in, can only exist on one of the infinity of habitable planets.*In the specific case of the consciousness of a human being, the particular kind of society [and planet] into which it is reincarnated, is entirely and wholly determined by the kind of person they were at the moment of their death in their previous life.

The specific frequency of their consciousness at the moment of their death will resonate with the specific frequency of the collective consciousness of the planet onto which they will be reincarnated -and therefore dictates the kind of society they will exist in in their next life.*If we compare consciousness with that of a photon, then by analogy and from the perspective of consciousness,* no time passes between the moment of death of the previous life and the moment of reincarnation in the next life.**(This particular principle represents the ultimate definition of Karma).*

6. Since an infinity of every permutation*of societies*can exist*in an infinite universe, it is therefore reasonable to believe that over eons of time and within that infinity of civilisations,*there has evolved enlightened societies who have achieved global harmony and who live in peace. An infinite universe dictates that not only are such 'paradise' planets*possible, but that their existence is inevitable.

And again it is not unreasonable to assume that such enlightened civilizations would only be able to evolve and thrive where there is an absence of global conflicts and war - and where the global economy is based on positive emotions such as*love, compassion, tolerance and empathy.* Such emotions would then represent the collective consciousness which is being radiated from the surface of that 'paradise' planet.

If this theory is correct it means that if you live your day to day life according to these principles, then at the moment of your death in this existence, your consciousness will resonate with the collective consciousness of an enlightened civilisation and you will be reincarnated in your next life on a 'paradise' planet.* Since negative emotions such as hate, intolerance, greed etc would be alien to such civilisations which exist on these planets, you will not be exposed to such emotions throughout your mortal existence on that planet.*

As such, at the moment of death of the inhabitants of that planet, the frequency of their consciousness will again resonate with another 'paradise' planet. It would appear that the*chain of separate physical existences in an infinite*cycle of deaths and rebirths on different*paradise planets*for all eternity represents the ultimate definition of Heaven.

If you believe that the scenario of heaven as described by this theory represents*the definition of Heaven, then it will eventually occur to you that since you obviously exist on a planet with a global society which is as far removed from being described as enlightened as you could get,*that you do not exist in Heaven.* And now that you know what the definition of existing in Heaven is, an eternity of your soul existing in anything less represents the definition of your soul existing in Hell.*

The most uplifting aspect of this proposed model of the universe is that it dictates that only the consciousness of the good guys can go to Heaven. Since every human being is the present custodian of their own immortal consciousness/soul and that the state of the latter at the moment of your death determines the planet and kind of society you will be reincarnated into in your next physical existence, every human being can thus be considered as being their own God.

If this theory is correct, it represents the final judgement day for every individual person on this planet.*
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