Thread: bad energies
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Old 23-06-2006, 09:04 AM
Lord Haw-Haw
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Mart
If the chanter believes it will help it will help, I like to chant hairy crushed nuts as I believe that helps and because i believe i have imbued it with positive energies that overcome any negativity. Simple really, if you believe in yourself you don't have to chant anything some geezer down the ashram said to me the other lifetime - and i'm being serious by the way, just in case anyone wondered.

Excellent point Mart, IMHO, its not the words which are important, but the INTENTION behind it

In my experience, unless this subtle point is made clear, people can become confused and believe that its the words or phrases which are important. You are quite right when you say that the words in themselves are of no particular importance...after all, if you keep on repeating to yourself that your happy, but telling it to yourself in a 'miserable' way, then don't be at all surprised if your mood matches the 'feeling' rather than the words or phrases you affirm.

As far as 'clearing bad energies' is concerned, try using the power of your imagination/visualisations...for example, SEE your home or area flooded with cleansing white light SEE it flooding through every room/corner/crevice in the place cleansing, clearing, healing...FEEL IT...Tell yourself in a CALM and CLEAR voice that your home is peaceful and calm...clear and purified....when this is complete...IMAGINE your home surrounded by a shield or bubble of golden light and energy...If it suits you, bring in your guides/angels/helpers to protect your home...Bear in mind that this is just my way of doing this...Find what suits you...REMEMBER the most important thing here is the utilisation of the power of your IMAGINATION, so GO-ON create your content the way you want it should you so please. Bring in all of those 'Sensory' faculties... I.E. what you WILL see..hear..feel..smell..taste, when you have achieved the 'positive' outcome you desire....Remember, what the mind can conceive, the mind CAN achieve...Enjoy.

Be Well;