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Old 08-10-2019, 07:21 PM
Marie Marie is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 969
As i see it, compromise yourself, your dreams visions and goals, isnt worth it only a soul connection will do. As well as when it is you dont have to sit each others buttoms off either. How can you have a balanced in all ways relationship if you cant be alone with yourself, and be content with only yourself? Theres an imbalance there. As a relationship isnt about filling someone or someones space up, but to re late to do that, we have to be con tent to be, by ourselves.
Yet, many do like that, be with someone just to be or because others are and you dont want to be different, or similar. But in the end its not gonna be enough because nothing and noone can fill that space. Its only for you, source and your path. Not even a twin soul can and shouldnt, as even that relation is doomed if we arent whole, and content, from within. Its about sharing and growing and doung domething like a mission its not about needing. Thats a negative attachement. And, im not saying uou cant be attached just in a poditive way.
Id rather die be all alone than compromise my very own soul this way.
To just do because others do or to fill a void? Id rather die because that only creates imbalance within and without. If its not healthy and free then fck it.
You dont happen to be apache,do you .
Im dorry though about your wife and how you experience it it must be difficult. But brlieve me you ive just given bits and bops pieces for the liberation of your soul. Think about it, we need to be whole and happy by ourselves.
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