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Old 21-12-2011, 09:00 PM
Posts: n/a
Now this is what i get, and it is contradictory and confusing. consciousness/awareness, may operate independently of the body, we see that indicated in dreams and astral projection, along with Near death experience and even regressive or progressive hypnosis.

My possibly radical view is that beyond the material world, the rule book we humans for time is irrelevant. Science is getting there apparently, energy becomes mass once it gets slower than the speed of light, with the exception possibly of certain neutrino's.

Anyhow, If ever you got deja vu or had a precognitive dream, you will now, that under certain circumstances time has little or no semblance to what we think it is in the flesh.

This is why some folks will talk about multiverses and parallel universes and different plains of existence.

Hence a free pass into the Akashic record for those who want to go look up something.

We can validate past lives through regressive hypnosis, but we have yet to find a way of validating future lives through progressive hypnosis.

It does indicate that you can re live lives in both history and the future. maybe even re incarnate back into this life( far fetched ! possibly) the thing is that when a life is physically over in accordance to our conventions for time . It clearly is not. The awareness, consciousness is the thing. You could do it now. Think about all the prep you gotta do before Christmas..Thats where your awareness is. Think about that great vacation you took, thats where your awareness is.. awareness is so fluid. Its wanderlust is inherent, you will alway be where your thoughts are.

Tolkien went to middle Earth, jK Rowling went to Hogwarts. Awareness is free flowing because it is unencumbered by mass. You can go back to ancient eygpt in a meditation or to a planet beyond orions belt. Awareness is sure zippy. So If awareness can be all these different places , what's to stop it being in more than one place at once.

Hence Nanna talks to you in your dreams while being a 4 year old some place else...

Individuality presents as separateness, but we have observed that by being in creation we must surely be a part of it.

I'm rambling, these are big concepts to grapple with, but they are the only way I personally can rationalize it.
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