Thread: Short & crisp
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Old 27-01-2020, 01:40 AM
Unseeking Seeker Unseeking Seeker is offline
Join Date: Sep 2018
Location: Delhi, India
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That reality eternal that neither comes nor goes
Spanda or vibration self existent & omnipresent
Beyond mind & no-mind always unceasingly flows
Pulse of life to which consciousness is cognisant

Be it manifestation or be it void of fullness in seeming emptiness
Across the Gunas three or all four states of being and beyond
As senses five and mind rest who is the enjoyer of divine blissfulness
Be it separateness or oneness who is limited and who is unbound

Stagnation being death and movement life dynamic stillness is the key
Neither accepting nor rejecting our presence like the heart steadily beating
Rotating polarities of cognitive attributes being our moment to moment entrée
Both within & without as we zestfully go about all associations vaporising

Within the flow of each pulse that that is eternal is The divine love essence
All other manifestations illusions borne of misconstrued thought construct
In timeless time each soul by free will is destined to resonate bliss fragrance
Love transmuting all lower vibrations into love itself as illusions self destruct

The Self has no attribute
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