Thread: on conception
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Old 12-01-2020, 11:38 PM
Posts: n/a
on conception

Over my years 'in the spooks' I've researched and contemplated many 'side issues' that have resulted from my involvement and experiences. One of them is when and how conception takes place at a 'spiritual level'. Please consider the following and see what you think.

Sexual intercourse may result in a baby being born. We're hard-wired to ensure the survival of the human race. That's likely to be a subject for debate in itself but isn't the thrust of this thread. No, what I want to look at is the spiritual aspect of the two components that link to begin the process of procreation. The sperm and the egg.

Scientists and biologists know much about those two, tiny living things but here's something I often wonder about. Where does the 'life energy' of the sperm come from?

The egg is part of a female's body, presumably alive for the same reason the woman is alive. Sperms are alive presumably for the same reason a man is alive. Using the phrase I often use, one could say both egg and sperms are alive due to the 'energy' of the spirit animating a woman and the spirit animating a man. But what keeps sperms alive for the period after they have left the man's body, enter the woman's body and before an egg gets fertilised? When a spirit/soul leaves a body that body ceases to function - it dies. Yet sperms leave a man's body and they survive for a time inside another one.

What keeps those sperms alive?
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