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Old 12-12-2017, 05:12 PM
Iamit Iamit is offline
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Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
The answer appears in the above.

Brahman is still the only true reality (Satya), although it is not who/what "I" am on the level of existence within this material world and sense of it....all this is just a 'false reality' called Mithya:

All I will ever be aware of, all I'll ever be able to connect with in the dual sense, is the Saguna aspect of Brahman, revealed to me as Lord Shiva (Mahadeva) fully representing and indicating the Nirguna aspect of Brahman (Sadashiva/Bhairava), which is totally beyond a manifested awareness of this mind or consciousness and thus it has nothing to do with what "I" am, even though I've had glimpses of it and immersions into it from time to time...yet "I" always remain distinct from it, as a's totally blissful, peaceful and joyous when it happens though! <3

It is very difficult to understand this and too complicated/complex for another person to 'get it' really.

Good luck with trying though. =)

That clarifies how you see yourself....thanks. What the difference is between the 'you' seeing and the you being seen is not so clear to me unless it is Brahman watching Shivani in the duality movie as though there appears to be many characters but only one actor.
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