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Old 24-03-2020, 08:48 PM
inavalan inavalan is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
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I haven't read the link you posted, so my comments are just related to what's printed on this page, and to my beliefs.

As per my belief, everything that's "happening to me" has to be accepted by some part of me, at least at some level that is unconscious to the awake-me. In most cases, what's "happening to me" is the eventual materialization of my conscious thoughts and emotions.

It is true that at the level of my conscious-me there are surprises, un(consciously)desired happenings.

I won't enter in details about what I believe, but as a general point of view: I parallel this awake-reality with the reality-I-experience-while-dreaming.

No action that a character in my dream takes can't happen without my subconscious' acceptance. I-as-character-in-my-dream doesn't determine his experience while in a non-lucid dream. But, he can get lucid, and take control.

Probably the difference of view between us is that I believe that there isn't an objective reality in the way is generally accepted, but that the awake-reality is similar to our dream-realities.

I'll share the following example ... Last night my wife said something like: "I know that you think that I cause this (referring to something about the current virus crisis)". Surprised, I replied: "No. I don't believe that".

This pandemic, as per my beliefs, was / is caused by humanity's out of control negative emotions (hate, anger, fear, worry). What my wife's constant preoccupation with what the news report on this pandemic, her panicking, and blaming of those she oppose politically, or on other venues, affects, and will affect how this pandemic will affect only her, my wife.

Surely, this can be explained purely physically:
panic >> stress >> debilitation-of-immune-system >> vulnerability-to-illness >> illness (not necessarily from this virus)
but this is a materialization of what's happening on the thought plane:
negative-thoughts >> thought-forms >> materialize-into-situations (in the life of whoever generated those negative-thoughts) similar to those negative-thoughts.
If you pay attention to how your non-lucid dreams chain and morph: you walk on an empty street, you notice that it's dark, you worry a little, then somebody appears, you get more worried, he becomes more menacing, you become fearful, he attacks you, your run away for your life, your legs don't move fast enough whatever you try, your terror skyrockets, you wake up in sweat.

If you become lucid (or if you gave your subconscious suggestions before going to sleep) you can take control of your emotions. You recognize the worry, or the fear, or the terror and make the decision the change it in some benign emotion. Then the whole scenario of your dream takes another, maybe even satisfying course.

I dislike long posts ...
Everything expressed here is what I believe. Keep that in mind when you read my post, as I kept it in mind when I wrote it. I don't parrot others. Most of my spiritual beliefs come from direct channeling guidance. I have no interest in arguing whose belief is right, and whose is wrong. I'm here just to express my opinions, and read about others'.
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