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Old 17-06-2017, 11:09 AM
epoch epoch is offline
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Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 14
You're entering into a transition state between levels of consciousness from which you can with practice step off into full astral projection. It can take some time before you begin to immediately recognise this state and are then able to go further into an AP. I call it a gateway room because in my experience, once you leave through a door or my preference, a window, it functions as a portal through which you can enter any number of different astral planes. Most of the time it's as you describe - you find yourself in the room in which you've laid down to sleep or are sat in meditating, and the reason it's so hard to differentiate between that place and normal reality is because the astral is absolutely indistinguishable from an experiential point of view from the 'real' world, and often becomes hyperreal and surpasses the waking world in a way that makes normality feel dull by comparison.

Since you've accessed it a couple of times already you'll probably be increasingly able to recognise it and remain there for longer periods, though you might find it easier to try to go into it just after waking from a dream, since our brains are primed for accessing those frequencies during REM.
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