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Old 25-02-2018, 09:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Moonglow
Hey there,

Well more rambling

Lol, if I put on a floppy hat and flowery dress, well let's just say if I did the looks I would get would be priceless. Guess it is the ol' bandana and faded jeans for me.

True, it seems some get so busy talking, that it gets forgotten to listen and no one knows oneself better then oneself. Isn't this what all this is about, getting to know one self?

Find it interesting when going through discussions about ego how it tends to intertwine between the psychological aspect and the spiritual aspects. Some manage to point out similarities, but feel the two take different paths. Which at times can be a bit confusing, unless clarified. Find both interesting.

For me, as stated before and by others it seems to be how one thinks it to be.
Agree, can not "kill" the ego for it is part of how one relates to things and others.
For me it is paying attention to what each aspect may bring. What is referred to as "ego" can be distracting if over thought about, IMO.

Sure, depends upon where one is. I Am is just being with all it may entail, IMO.

To me, it can be like being in a crowded room and trying to hear a whisper with in the chatter. Need to step out of the room and listen.

My thoughts can be chatty and can sometimes feel Spirit going shhh, got something to say.

i like the word "being", but perhaps this is what we are doing. "Entity" works nicely as well.

Thank you

The article you posted looks interesting, will read it when I make time for it.
Put on the dress Moonie, It shows off the sexiness of your knees and it'll give the neighbours something to talk about. You know how they Love gossip so you'll b doing them a favour.

Way beck when I wanted to know what the ego really was, I'd seen all the posts and something didn't sit right. For me at that time ego was the root of all evil but instinct said that it was worth checking out. That led me to Jung, and if anyone should know what the ego is then it's him. What many people don't realise is that your Spirituality is 'built' on your psychology. What you believe and - more importantly the reasons you believe it - is based on what's in your head; after all it's your head that processes your Spirituality. If you look at the reasons people come to Spirituality often there are psychological reasons - Life PTSD, loss of a Loved One, looking for answers...

But who steps out of the room? You don't step out of your ego and you can't run away from it. Where you are there is your ego, it's what gives you a sense of I am. I am here out of this room. It just needs a little training and it's your friend for Life. Tell it to be polite and be quiet when the Soul speaks and it'll have its turn later and it'll be happy with itself.

There are two things that are often happening in Spirituality, one is that it takes a very Spiritual-exclusive view and the other is that we're trying to find out how awesome we are. Gestalt Reality does both - and puts ego into perspective. The entity encompasses everything in a neat package and integrates instead of separates, and when you think of all the parts we have it makes us pretty damned awesome beasties. All we have to do is find a way to Live with all that we are.

You're most welcome Moonglow. When you get your head around the article and see ll the parts working together, it's a game-changer for sure.
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