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Old 28-01-2017, 03:03 AM
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A Little About Mystical Christianity...

Before we can understand God we must have an idea of His great purpose in creation. it is true that we are His children, all of us. It is true that He has spoken to us all through prominent figures in history and that much of this was eventually compiled into books which formed the basis of what would become our holy scriptures, the Bible. It is true that God sent His Son to Earth to teach humanity and, through His sacrifice, open a door allowing us a way home.

But what do we know, really, of God's purpose?

Consider this. In the beginning we are bid have faith. For a very long time this is sufficient but there always comes a time when faith graduates into sure knowledge. At this point we retain faith regarding those things we do not yet understand but we, at the same time, increase steadily our body of firm knowledge. So we see that there is a never ending movement in this process. Many times Jesus used the metaphor of parables to illustrate points to people. After they understood however they no longer needed the stories. This is the way it works.

As we gain in knowledge we necessarily apply it and gain experience. Through this are the many affirmations which follow. At a future time, sometimes after years of experience and reflection, we find that we have gained a bit of wisdom. This is the goal, the object, that God had in store for us all along. That we should gain in wisdom is a singular purpose of the effort of creation in the first place.

So we might now ask "why?". If we are able to simply earn forgiveness and be redeemed why do we need wisdom? What would be the point? Now comes the part which is well known to those who study esoteric Christianity.

God's purpose in creation is realized in His expressiveness. This is the crux of His being. To express, continually, is what God does. The plan is then that all of us should eventually acquire this very same skill. We are, each of us, to cooperate with the creator joining with Him in this grand design. Again this is a tenant which is hinted at in the Bible. We cannot see it until we learn to look behind, underneath and through the words and superficial ideas. This method of knowing was firmly in place and practiced by the Essenes long ago. Remember that Jesus was one. Remember that John the Baptist was also one. Jesus' temporal parents were both Essenes.

So now we see that truths are always layered. Depending on our point in spiritual growth we see one or another of these. "To each his or her own". Human beings are not all of the same spiritual age. This fact accounts for the many variations in religion. "To each according to his or her needs."

The expressiveness which is the livingness of God demands we progress from faith to knowledge and finally to wisdom. Further it demands that we then pick up a share of the burden of the great work which is exactly what so many ancient Biblical scholars were doing when they made so many grand pronouncements.

Separation from God is "sin". This is the truth of "original sin".

Christianity endures because it is truth. It also endures because of another reason. God did not create us all in an instant. New human souls are being born all the time, in heaven. These then come to Earth as new babes. They are not born in perfection but in perfect innocence. It is the act of leaving the Father and descending to a womb which is referred to by Christianity as being born into sin. When we realize that sin is nothing but a separation from God then we can easily understand this. The entire story of Adam and Eve and the snake is a metaphor for the creation and descent into purposeful living on Earth. To come to Earth in "banishment" was not because of anything that Adam and Eve did. It was the plan from the beginning. The parable of the apple and temptation is the necessary method of providing an understandable situation. It is time that those Christians who are also members on a spiritual forum to understand this.

New human souls are beginning long series of lifetimes on Earth every day while others who have completed the cycle are leaving. This is the way it is. This is the reason religions endure as they do. They are needed for the new souls to give them a firm foundation for the futures. Because at any point there are a majority of very young souls on Earth religions always have plenty of work.

Being born in separation from God is not a punishment. It is something that is very necessary to the fulfillment of God's great purpose. But would mankind have understood such a thing? No. The story must be phrased differently, placed in familiar context so that it would resemble, compliment, the living conditions found on the Earth so very long ago.

This information would not be appropriate for Christians who are not members of a spiritualist forum because parts of it stand in contrast to what they generally believe. However those who are both Christians and spiritualists have the right to hear a greater, more complete truth. What I have said just now was commonly known to the Essenes of long ago. The Christian who is also a spiritualist is very much like an Essene. We find, on the Earth for a very long time and today too, that each of the three great Abrahamic religions has a mystical branch. This is not without reason.

Spiritual advancement cannot be acquired in heaven. In the spiritual realms it is not possible for a soul to be in close association with negativity. It is only here on the physical Earth that the separation from God which is needed to learn, is available. Do we ask "why does God allow pain and suffering if He loves us?" It is because this is the only valid path to wisdom. That is the reason. Wisdom is the goal. It is not native to knowledge. It requires the hard tests of experience.

Religions endure on the Earth because they are needed. At any point in time on the Earth are mostly beginner souls with very little experience. These are the spiritual youth of the world. These are best bid to have faith in things because they are not yet experienced enough to be sustained by knowledge alone. Much, much later they will have moved forward towards wisdom which is the goal. The Earth is a classroom. Here souls come to learn and achieve. To achieve the wisdom which they will then use in the future. This process is so often vaguely referred to in Christianity's approach as being the benchmarks of forgiveness, redemption, salvation and resurrection. These words describe the greater plan which lays behind them.

As I said before it is felt that those good Christians who are also spiritually attuned are ready to hear a bit more of the story of God's purpose. But we still haven't been explicit. What exactly are we to do?

In the far distant future we, all of us, will become equal players in the expressiveness of our Father, God. For the time being this is as plain as we can get because of the limitations in understanding aspects of life which are so very far away. Suffice to say there is much, much more to our future than to simply obey and be rewarded. In the beginning these ideas are adequate but later the student is granted a wider horizon of understanding.

This message in no way contradicts the tenants of Christianity. It broadens them though. We now may have an idea of exactly who and what John the Baptist was for instance. Those who are curious might follow up with independent study of this group of God's knowingly cooperative disciples of old.

Faith is the basis of forgiveness.
Knowledge allows the actions which lead to redemption.
Wisdom is that desired quality which results from cooperative effort with God. The man or woman who has achieved this is said to have been resurrected.

Faith.... Knowledge.... Wisdom.... Action.... equals cooperative effort with God planned purpose.

For those who agree and find truth in this post I say good. For those who do not I say please forgive me for seeming assertive. I have no wish to intrude into anyone's religious comfort zones.

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