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Old 03-06-2019, 01:35 PM
Azurr0 Azurr0 is offline
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 41
Little Cosmic Meditations - Peace


Position: Sitting down

- Breathe in deeply and while slowly exhaling, simultaneously say ''Peeeeeace''. Do this 4 times.
- After that make a pause after the first inhalation, not saying anything during the exhalation, but during the second exhalation say Peeeeeace. Do this 3 times.
- Then make a pause for 2 inhalations/exhalations, and during the third repetition Peace
- In the end, three pauses and and Peace during the fourth exhalation

How many times a day?
Three times a day is optimal

Effects of this meditation: Calms the nervous system, improves the mood, cleanses the aura and helps with spiritual growth.

You can also say Peace mentally, not out loud.
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