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Old 09-10-2010, 12:06 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Summerland
Atlanteans began dispersing before the final destruction of Atlantis. A Lakota elder told me that the oral tradition had the Five Nations originally coming from the east from an island~~~Many generations later one of their shamans fasted and prayed and was told by the Great Spirit that death was coming from the east in a log that floated on water. He told his tribe this and most of the tribes followed the instruction from the Great Spirit to leave the coastal area and move northwest.That prophecy was the white man coming from Europe.
Atlanteans went to both North and South America and to the British Isles, including Ireland
The reasons that the So American and Mexican Indians did not at first fear the Spaniards was because they were expecting the return of the Feathered Serpent who had come from the ocean to the east.
Atalantis was a great seafaring country and did have solar powered flying machine. They also had the knowledge to use crystals for energy and for healing.
Color with the combination of crystals and harmonics were used for healing.

Nobody is going to be able to say for sure, Summerland, because there is no definite proof Atlantis even existed all we have is conjecture. I'll include our memories in that conjecture as well, no doubt there are others out there with just as clear memories and beliefs and it is not for me to deny them. There were a lot of people in Atlantis and no doubt they scattered to all the four corners of the earth. I don't think Atlantis was just in the one location either. The Bock Saga mentions it here - and the Saga is Finnish. I believe that if we look at the spoken tales and myths of the various cultures we'll find evidence pretty much in every civilisation. I haven't gone too deeply into North or South American Indian cultures, but I have seen what I believe is Atlantean influence.


I do understand what you're referring to and it's not the same as I am referring to. What you are referring to is the actual creation myths, my reference is later in Sumerian history. There was a meteoric rise in there civilisation at one time that has never been (as far as I'm aware) been explained by history, it seems they went from mud huts to cities almost overnight. I don't know off-hand how many years that was between the creation and the rise of their civilisation though. These mysterious beings didn't arrive in Sumeria to colonise but to educate. That's why I was speculating if it might have been the same group of entities responsible for both the creation and their civilisation rise. No, you didn't say but I asked if they were. The Sumerian creation myths talk of beings who could well have been astronauts. Along with that is the Alternative Genesis that would imply much the same thing around the same time period.

Were the Sumerian drawings factual or were they representations? Factually they may have been humanoid in appearance the way we are, but to the Sumerians they may have taken on the characteristics of animals as the Sumerians saw them. For instance, if people had come in flying machines, would the Sumerians have depicted a pilot as having feathers? In some cultures reptiles and snakes are supposed to be guardians of the earth - snakes especially because they have an 'ear to the ground'. Would the drawing of a human with a snake/reptile head not depict that role?

I don't believe Atlantis was one specific place - I believe Atlantis was more of a period in history and a culture. Part of my job in Atlantis was keeping the crystals in-line to generate a specific field. Atlantis was created to anchor the vibrations in the Third Dimension so that (in a very nutshell) we could go back to the beginning and start again. Anyway, a few years ago I felt I had a specific place to visit at a specific time. Long story for another thread maybe, but in this Lifetime I had to finish what I had started in my Atlantean Life before I was killed for it. I made the journey on the given dates and was on the right spot at the right time. On the way there I can remember sitting in the car and seeing figures on the hillsides, I knew they were Kindred, some from Atlantean times. As we got closer the feelings became stronger, even to the point where I could hear a crowd of people in my head. On the way back we took our time and just enjoyed the countryside. My wife pointed out a few places we had visited as an Atlanteans. Now as far as I'm aware there hasn't been anything said about Atlantis in Scotland, maybe as far as that went it was only a remote outpost (yeah, that figures lol). But it would make sense to me that that Atlantis wasn't just one city. As I remember it there were more than one city - and that would account for Atlantis having numerous locations. Perhaps what's being speculated about as regards different locations isn't about different locations for Atlantis but other locations of Altlantean cities.

A time machine would be good, Star-Child lol.
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