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Old 01-07-2018, 03:50 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by Middleagedseeker
I feel since giving up dairy not only healthier and much less pain, but I think I’m a bit calmer and maybe my hormones are more under control? I just turned 49 yesterday and I’m on a new spiritual journal to get my life together before I turn 50. I want to go full vegan, lose weight, reconnect with my higher power, and learn to relax and enjoy this latter half of my life.

Did you know that there is actually one small study that seems to indicate a change (an improvement) in attitude when all meat consumption is stopped? I was thinking about it and in my opinion, that is the logical consequence of not consuming the fear and stress hormones that would naturally flood an animals tissue at the moment of dying. When you think about how terrified they are when they're loaded onto that last truck and then set foot in that reeking slaughterhouse, how can they not be completely afraid? And when people eat that meat, they're eating those hormones. They do say, 'You are what you eat'.
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