Thread: ~~~ Angels ~~~
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Old 03-10-2010, 10:06 PM
Moon Willow
Posts: n/a
You may pray outward or inward, to the universe or to your personal God. You may sit quietly and verbalize your desires and needs to the heavens. Or you may simply sit and reflect upon your own thoughts and feelings and make an internal request or intent. It does not really matter in what form this takes as long as it is sincere, clear and from the heart. It must be sincere because a request made out of insincerity is a hollow one and has no true power. It must be clear because if you are not clear what it is you want, and if you do not certain in your choice, then the angels cannot act upon it. If it is not from the heart then your plea is not genuine and does not hold the benefit of the universe in mind.

So wonderful to see you back here Spirit Guide Sparrow, I always love to read your posts, and the calmness that I feel while reading them.

In regards to the quote I pulled from your mesage, I have been wondering about this lately. For example, if I feel scared, I know to talk to Archangel Michael, or if I feel like just chatting I talk to my daughter (she's in spirit), but I have never been too sure when I'm just praying, or needing help with more day-to-day things, for example, who to really aim my thoughts at?

If I'm understanding your message correctly it doesn't really matter who I pray to as long as my intentions are clear? If this is the case will the best members for the job, within my beautiful Spirit team, then step forward to help me with what I am trying to achieve?

I hope this makes sense :)

Love, light and blessings,
Moon Willow
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