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Old 14-05-2019, 07:25 AM
God-Like God-Like is offline
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Originally Posted by iamthat
Another way to consider this is that everything is real on its own level but it may be an illusion when considered from a higher level.

So if we bang our head then it hurts and the pain is real while it lasts. But the pain is temporary and is confined to the physical body, and so it is an illusion from a greater perspective.

As an alternative to the idea of maya, usually translated as illusion, we could use the word mithya meaning a relative reality.


I am always an advocate of keeping platforms and dimensions in there own laws of creation .

This is why what is physical isn't physical in the world of spirit for examples sake .

The tree in the physical is not governed by the same laws as the tree in the world of spirit is and yet they are both trees within experience .

It could be said from each planes perspective that the other is illusory but all that reflects is a comparison of what things are like from different realities .

This is why no self beyond mind cannot be compared to self of the mind .

These comparisons don't work, they were never mean't to be compared in such a way where the person gets tarred with the illusory brush .

x daz x
Everything under the sun is in tune,but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
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