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Old 05-02-2018, 12:46 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SaturninePluto
My view of LOA, is that affirmations do indeed require a high amount of faith, where there are those whom do post in this section about how they wanted something, and have not gotten it (YET), it is possible entirely that a lack of faith may be at play.
Absolutely. You have to vehemently believe it's possible, so it must be practical so you can believe it possible.

Magick will never work, whether it's ceremonial magick, LOA of Affirmation if the person doesn't believe in what they're doing.

Where affirmations win is that doubts are overriden by the persistence of the affirmation. The affirmer is drilling into themselves that it will come to pass.

Also I have other thoughts on this, other than the faith aspect, I do agree action is required. One can't simply want and wish for something, that is not coming from Faith, one must believe with faith beyond a shadow, but one can not as well sit in a stasis and remain stagnant.
Some wishes can be manifested simply with a little planning and work. From my (admittedly short) time on this forum I've read about failures and disappointment. Several times it's clear that the person isn't prepared to do some hard physical work toward their aim.

There seems to be much confusion between LoA and Affirmation. They're different. They're applied differently. Whether recent books on the subject(s)have tried to bracket them together I don't know but the confusion can lead to lower probability of a result if either are misapplied.

As I see it.
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