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Old 18-01-2018, 04:06 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
hmm.... feeling your body emotionally.....

pinch yourself...... you feel the pain? That is an emotional response sent to your brain as information. Gently Blow on your hand... "feel" the cool air hitting your hand? Imagine how it would feel if this same wind or pressure you were "feeling" was all over your body.

Notice how you feel right now...... bring your awareness to your hand and then your arm and then your upper body and then eventually your whole body. Most of the time we dont feel something or tune into it unless we hurt our selves in that area.... Think of a time where you were angry... anger is an easy emotion to feel for me that I am working on transmuting. Or the time you got in a fight.... do you feel the emotion that is coming over your body? Do you feel where it originates from? If you are able to switch your awareness from your physical being to your emotional being you will be tuning into your emotional or astral body. hahah if you dont get any of this now... just think about it for a while and ask your guardians to help you understand. If you still dont understand after months lol... just meditate eventually you will understand but at the same time this information isnt needed to achieve states of astral consciousness.

:) Good luck
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