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Old 07-04-2011, 12:37 AM
Posts: n/a
ROM, thank you. I like reading about stuff like that. I will definitely look into it.

I've lost count of the number of similarly bizarre predictions I've read - every single one came to nought.

Mac, I'd have to disagree with this about EVERY one being untrue. There have been a number of predictions by mediums/psychics throughout history that have come true. Edgar Cayce's medical channelings have been proven a number of times. Andrew Jackson Davis stated some specific information about Neptune and Pluto that was proven to be very accurate years after he channeled it. I believe it was Ingo Swann who used remote viewing(I know that's not the same, but still as mysterious I think) to describe rings around Jupiter before science had proven it. And then there's Nostradamus - I will admit I have not studied Nostradamus really at all, but I've seen enough bits and pieces to know that many of his predictions have been accurate, or so I've heard. I'm sure with research, there would be many other examples.

So although I'm very much with you in that probably the majority of these things do NOT come true, I don't agree at all that they never do and there's ample evidence to support that.

I think a big part of the problem with these predictions is the timing and method of revealment(is that a word? lol) they describe. To say this or that is true and will "someday" be proven(which is how the more accurate channels usually say things), but to give a specific timeframe seems troublesome.

Not saying you do, but let's say you believe that it's theoretically possibly to predict the future. From various research I've done, the more sound theory to me is that it's impossible to predict the future with absolute certainty, as people have the free will to change their actions and therefore change the future. I think some situations are maybe 99% likely to happen if someone's predictions are accurate enough, but most have a bigger margin of error and none are 100%.
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