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Old 13-07-2018, 01:37 AM
Shinsoo Shinsoo is offline
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Originally Posted by Compendium
Wow Linen I have a deep connection to the Giza Platue I have no clue why maybe it is just enchanting ... no its something about the history that draws me in. Specifically the great Pyramids and Toth. Linen your soul has had such a facinating journey.

Trin sweety I think I have had a lot of lives like yours fairly normal yet traumatic. Some because of my choices and others because of the choices of others. I have been poor and I have been wealthy. At some point I am pretty sure I lived through some type of doomsday scenario because I am very into being prepared and preparing my children to survive chaos.

I want to go through Quantum Hypnotherapy to discover more and hopefully heal my thyroid. I would also like to explore the parallel timeline theory and the possible death of myself and my son. It totally fits the changes that occurred during the time frame.

A doomsday scenario? Oh wow, that had to have been harrowing, but I bet seeing it via dream would be fascinating!

Yeah, I too have thyroid issues. Gluten mostly. But grains keep me going throughout the day, perhaps I should look into gluten free grains.
“Because to take away a man's freedom of choice, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person.” --Madeline l'Engle
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