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Old 18-02-2018, 07:01 PM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
Well, I expect the spiritual domain and boundaries to be a little more fluid than what we have and operate with here in the physical 3D. The law of physical world we know is clear by verbal expression or written or even body language. However, in the spiritual domain, we don't have these physical cues to grasp onto. We must first learn the boundaries and operations more clearly defined in itself, being held by its own laws, before we know what permission looks like in the spiritual truth.

Now, I'm not the advanced one to know these spiritual particular laws, but there are those who have discovered such I'm sure. And again, I'm sure communicating such to the 3D world is a challenge. Otherwise, you have to look within to find your connection to this truth.

Hopefully you get what I'm saying though.
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