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Old 19-07-2019, 01:30 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,847

The Cosmic reality is an evolutionary scheme.
What is evolving? Consciousness.

Everything is consciousness...
Matter is consciousness.
Life is consciousness.
Mind is consciousness.
There is a consciousness beyond mind.
And yet, there is a consciousness beyond the Cosmic creation itself.

Human beings are an amalgam of various consciousness; a microcosm, and -
we are uniquely self-conscious.
This means we may realise who we are through experience.
This is the true purpose of our existence.

If you want to call an interdependent multiplicity of apparently separate 'identities' - NATURE - a “matrix”, ok. But then that matrix, or Nature in its totality is also the individual being in a microcosm, and much more…

The individual being is essentially and inalienably the microcosm, the macrocosm, and what created both - all consciousness that is infinite and eternal in Being. But also essentially the same in its evolutionary form, in becoming…in and through the individuated human being who in and through evolutionary experience may realise this as the true Identity.

~ J

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