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Old 16-03-2018, 07:21 PM
Dee47 Dee47 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 428
Are the Seth Books Dated?

A friend of mine told me that the Seth books are out-of-date and that if I read them, I should realize that while some stuff is still useful, other stuff is out-of-date. This friend is really smart. It is she who led me onto the spiritual path where I am now.

But I am having a heck of a time with the datedness idea. I am reading lots of the Seth material and just loving it. There are things in it I don't understand, as there were last time I read it, but dated?

One of the books I'm reading is The Nature of Personal Reality, which was published in 1974. Yes, that was nearing 50 years ago, but isn't the material still relevant?

This friend suggested Gregg Braden, and so I am reading The Spontaneous Healing of Belief. I can see some value in it, but it is not nearly as dense as the Seth materials, and I find myself impatient as I read whole pages without getting the kind of substance I get from Seth.

What are your thoughts on the Seth materials, especially in terms of datedness.

Here's a sentence in The Nature of Personal Reality that I'd love comments on: "The conscious mind directs unconscious activity and has at its command all of the powers of the inner self."
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