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Old 07-03-2018, 05:26 PM
Posts: n/a
OK. ......
General: The person has a very old and very common name or nickname. Lived in AD time range.
A common name and yes lived in AD time range.
Profession: 3 of Cups
Something with the "good things of life", had to do with either food, fine arts or music, acting, maybe literature, the latter for entertainment purpose. Somehow I think of dancing...
Definitely enjoyed the good things on life bug none of the rest seem to fit.
Personality: Temperance
A balanced personality, on the outside, at least. Can remain calm in extreme situations. Can hide true feelings well, when not in balance.
For most part that is true. They have dealt with a lot of things others would have feared.
Era: Le bateleur (Tarot of Marseilles)
Era: Le bateleur (Tarot of Marseilles)
The person lived in an era (and/or location) of changes and transformation, where something new was discovered or invented, a time where thinking and belief systems went through a change
A first in some respects and deliver systems were challenged and changing.

You picked up on some good points.
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