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Old 04-12-2012, 06:44 AM
Posts: n/a
He's like the big guy the real boss only who actually has a name so you don't call him God, he is so important his opinion and decision carry the day and confirm wherever needed, he can be very easy to summon but know that if he's talking to you you are important and [this] is an important thing [your purpose in life, your survival, your service to people], and you'll want to treat it like a command cuz you'll be shaking in your shoes when you know but not because he is frightening but because you'll know the divine truth is present, he is all Love he knows no other choice and he is Love from the greatest breadth you can imagine of all things seen and unseen. He is the hand of God the closest you'll ever get, that's what it felt like when I knew it was Archangel Michael weighing in.
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