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Old 26-05-2017, 07:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Zydek
This is a lesson that I am currently setting myself on and learning about. Traditionally I am non-Christian however lately I have decided to follow Jesus. I am still interested in my spiritual mysticism and have some interest in Hinduism and Buddhism. To me, Jesus represents as a person the love and humility that this world needs. Difficult paths of realizing yourself are great if you ask me, however, it's not for everyone on this Earth. The love represented by Jesus though IS something I think for the whole world. The kind of love he had I feel was against all reason. Reason says, "Oh this person is not 'good' so we don't love them." This means all sorts of things!!

This is the point of my post. If you look at what we truly feel about people many, many people come up short on our judgements in general as humans. This person who hurt me, that sort of person who has a certain personality, people politically opposed to me, all sorts come up short. The love though, represented by Jesus whether you believe in him or not, is what this world needs.

Radical acceptance is the complete acceptance I feel of self and others that is required for the love that Christ had.
If you want to know yourself like Buddha suggested then wouldn't you have to have radical acceptance as well?

Many who think they have love for God, Jesus and their fellow man have falsely reasoned from within. And are taught by blind guides that know them not.

The spirit of Jesus in the mortal heart = Love, Peace-Unity-- Love your enemy. Return evil for evil to no one. If your enemy is hungry-feed him, if thirsty, give him a drink. Vengeance is MINE said the Lord.

Spirit of antichrist= Hate, calamity, division--- hearts of fear turn to anger and hatred--return evil for evil to your enemy, even as far as kill them--take vengeance for pride and self gratification.
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