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Old 09-04-2012, 09:58 PM
Forest Wood
Posts: n/a
A Mutual Destination

Have a look at this picture (I recommend downloading it from its page to view it in its glory).

Come nightfall, I always fall for the warm glow of a city. The contrast and colors do a great job of putting my mind at ease.

I looked at this picture last night, and I began to imagine what it would feel like to stand at the top of the tall building near the bottom, emitting a blue light, left of the building emitting a pink light. I imagined standing there in a mild breeze, looking over the water to what would be an inspirational view.

In that moment, I knew I had no choice but to seek the experience, one way or another. I decided I would enter a lifelike lucid dream and put myself in that position.

That night, I entered a lucid dream. I remembered my goal and tried to make my way to the roof, but was unfortunate enough to lose my awareness. However, I fully intend to try again.

From what I can tell, the image is flipped the wrong way. I also think the location is probably Hong Kong. But wherever it is, I'm going to go there.

Making an experiment of it, perhaps others would like to join me in an attempt to reach the same destination. Aim for the same roof. You never know, maybe you won't be the only people up there.
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