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Old 05-10-2017, 07:39 PM
Ab Origine Ab Origine is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 444
Hi Folks..

And He said :

"(11) "This heaven will pass away, and the one above it will pass away. The dead are not alive, and the living will not die. In the days when you consumed what is dead, you made it what is alive. When you come to dwell in the light, what will you do? On the day when you were one you became two. But when you become two, what will you do?"

As I said elsewhere, truth form Thomas..Christ begins to pull apart the old truths they hold as that old truth s NOT HIs truth revealed... The religious truths they have been taught - all an error He says... The Jews have ONE god that exists in "heaven" - but here He is speaking of MULTIPLE "heavens" though they are all false and will "pass away", not the ETERNAL abode of Our Father....Elsewhere (secret gospel of John) He fully explains these other spiritual realms, how they came to be, and what creatures inhabit and rule them - including an explanation for the ORIGIN of this so called "god" yhvh whom Christ said is NO a bona fide god at all, merely an Angel - a CREATURE exactly like you and I are.... Here quoted above, He is saying their ideas and notions of the spiritual realms are entirely incorrect... Heavens and realms exist He says, they do not even know of at all - and they have false ideas about what it is to be alive or dead..

He tells them they took DEAD teaching (yhvh) and made it alive by living it as truth - but now they approach the Light, so what will they do..?...He tells them also they came FROM the eternal - have forgotten it and DIVIDED THE SELF as they took life here - (mortal part here and eternal Soul in spirit) - now you ARE two, divided - so what will you do..?...He asks...

He is getting them to look closely, as I hope you will all do here - He says they know no spiritual truth - have become divided, broken, but that He can offer the path to Unity again and they will once again dwell in the Light IF they choose to....

The crucial part of all this - is that the god and heavens of their tradition - the god Yhvh and THAT traditional truth - He said very clearly, was an ERROR !! It is NOT SPIRTUAL TRUTH - they are misled and confused..Check this out also, from Judas this time :

“Come, and I will teach you secrets about the first realm that no human being will see. For there exists a great and infinite aeon, the extent of which no angelic race has seen. In it is the great Invisible Spirit, which no angelic eye has seen nor inner thought comprehended and which has not been called by any name.

His truth is NOT their truth of Yhvh...Let it sink in.... First quote He tells them they don't know what legitimate spiritual truth ACTUALLY is - at all - they are misled in their former belief... Next quote He says His truth is a SECRET that look, NOT EVEN ANGELS ABOVE KNOW IT !! None of those in the "heaven above" have any clue at all about this great Invisible Spirit that He says is a SECRET to all !!

And look closely - MORTAL MAN CANNOT ATTAIN THIS TRUE HEAVEN !!! Right at the start He told us its a SECRET REALM that mortal man CANNOT SEE - as said elsewhere He will fully explain all that - but for now its enough to realise first His truth is NOT the bible truth of yhvh - that one and its Angels have NEVER encountered this Great Invisible Spirit, Our Father that Christ alone speaks of - and second - if we follow CHRIST and HIS truth, then we will learn the truth of these secrets He reveals, and upon mortal death, finally become eternally free, just as He promised...

Free from what..??..From YHVH and these low realms - the trap He set up to keep us dominated and held spiritually captive HERE in Self ignorance.. Christ truth is NOT the truth if Yhvh - that one is NOT the Father that He reveals - the two quotes above prove that beyond debate, and there is a lot more said by Christ that verifies it.. Truth of Christ is not found in that bible scripture you all keep quoting..

Christ truth does NOT lead back to Yhvh - it seperates us entirely from all that false domination and allows us to approach the TRUE DIVINE - those realms EXIST HE SAID and are ABOVE the realm of yhvh - He is from the PRIMAL realm of Creation and indeed is revealing that Creation fully..Look at the quote above - Yhvh and its realms are NOT ETERNAL (thats because it is a created realm and yhvh IS a creature exactly like you and I) - they will PASS AWAY to reveal the true Divine - taught to those with ears to hear..
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