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Old 31-03-2017, 11:55 PM
Reincar-Nation Reincar-Nation is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Adelaide
Posts: 264
I see no reason why a reading done by someone in a remote location cant be accurate, in essence it doesnt matter if they are sitting next to you or in outer space, distance between us or lack of it is not what connects people...
As for the electronic only readings, thats a tough one... Even if the numbers cards or whatever are purely 'randomly' generated, who is to say that synchronicity isnt at work there somehow too??? The best ones I think are where there is some 'energetic authenticity' (Thanks Paul O'Brien), like an I Ching app I use. You need to tap on the screen at a time of your choosing to generate the coin-flips, which means the only randomness involved is your finger randomly hitting your phone screen, plenty of room for synchronicity to poke its little head in in that medium...
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