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Old 18-05-2017, 10:14 PM
stars stars is offline
Join Date: May 2017
Posts: 74
Isochronic tones while reading a novel

This isn't exactly about meditation, but I didn't know where else to put it... Then again, perhaps it could be viewed as a different way to meditate.

So to start off, I have been meditating and listening to isochronic tones for a little over half a year now, after a two year hiatus. Sometimes I can zone out just like I need to, and sometimes my brain is too wired to feel like I've slowed down my brainwaves at all. I have been trying to train my brain to go into theta and so I use neuro-programier3 and also have a favorite isochronic tones video on youtube that is set to 5.5 hz. I used this particular video 2 years ago and had some very interesting experiences.

Also, I have decided to try and read more to develop my third eye and visualization skills, which are just awful. I cannot even see a simple apple if I try to, so I figured that reading novels would really help to develop my ability to picture things.

So the other night, I decided to put these two together to see what the experience would be of the mashup. I wondered if I could lower my brain to theta, while reading and picturing things, (and of course while staying awake) if it would strengthen my ability to visualize what I am reading, or at least entertain me while my brainwaves slow and then I could slip into a meditative state.

So far, I am still training myself to stay awake. Man, those theta tones are powerful... I have tried this for a few nights now, and have lost consciousness a few times while in the middle of reading, haha. Two nights ago, I slightly lost consciousness but had more of a vision... it looked liked I was flying through a starfield, but more like one of those screen-savers that were on all the computers back in late 90's - early 00's. I snapped out of it quickly though, and I wish I hadn't. Perhaps this will also be training not to snap out of visions ,because I have a bad habit of this.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried something like this, and what were your experiences/results? I know that I should have probably started doing this with alpha tones, but it doesn't really bother me that I am falling asleep, since for me that is part of the training.
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