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Old 09-09-2012, 02:11 AM
Posts: n/a
Is this another version of, "can't we be satisfied with what is, rather than looking for something beyond ?"

Man is a creative-curious creature, and seeking what's beyond the next hill is his nature. It's really what separates us from other animals.

I quite agree many toss around words they don't truly understand.
And buzzwords-theories very often substitute for understanding,

We exercise to optimize our health, study to expand our knowledge, practice to acquire an artistic skill that brings us joy-fufillmrnt.

Then why not seek to taste this oneness thing, if it can enhance our experience of reality-life?
Only IF one chooses to and feels such a thing is truly attainable. Same as those other pursuits.

I use the word frequently. It expresses something we all understand, without further explanation, once having had a glimpse of it.
To KNOW we are more than individuals forever separated.

Last edited by Henri77 : 09-09-2012 at 03:38 AM.
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