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Old 28-01-2018, 01:13 AM
Dee47 Dee47 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 428
Diversity: well, you started by talking about your own sense of wisdom, then you went on to give me the cards, which went on for several paragraphs, then you ended it with some of your interpretations/guesses/channelings and good wishes. You gave visual images, such as standing in front of the mirror, and later a kind of poetry that sticks to the mind (I think this is a saying that's "out there" already?) as when you said, "change your mind, change your habits, change your life", and then the structured I ching. All that differernt stuff I see as diversity.

What you said about standing in front of the mirror felt pretty accurate and thoughtful, but it's something I've been considering lately, so it didn't add anything new, but it did make me review it again, which is a plus.

What you said about family didn't resonate for me. What seems most helpful is to think in terms of parts of self there, but I didn't get the direction I would have hoped for.

When you wrote "you have got into a serious situation," I felt you were spot on. And your interpretation about bad addiction is also right on. I am terribly addicted to sugar. I mean terribly. I am on the verge of becoming diabetic. I was on the verge a year or so ago, but my blood sugars dropped after I changed my eating drastically. Now I am back to really bad eating again and I am trying to get back to good eating. I did have breast cancer in 2015. It wasn't bad. My bad eating isn't good for keeping myself cancer-free, however.

you wrote: "To retreat from the danger zone you need to understand your problems inside out. What part did you play? Are forces present that are outside of your control? What facts do you need to face? For your personal development, this may be a time of extraordinary value." That's what I'm trying to do, and I think it is what I need to do, so I agree with the I ching.

"Love activates your DNA"--I've never heard that. Thought-provoking. Maybe this means that love can change a genetic predisposition for both diabetes and cancer? What I do know, is that love is what really matters.

So, there is more feedback. hope it helps. And thanks again for your reading. It was very kind of you to give your time, energy and thought to me.
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