Thread: Beginner Reiki
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Old 08-07-2016, 02:02 PM
sea-dove sea-dove is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Originally Posted by Uma

It sounds like what you're into is black magic not reiki

it was reiki and reiki energy i tried to mix with another energy (I was actually at a reiki class when this occurred and had used the right reiki symbols etc), hence why I wasnt expecting any issues with it as reiki is supposed to be harmless so one wouldnt think using reiki but then adding a second energy to that to channel too would do something like that.

and the other energy (its not at all a dark energy but also more untainted universal energy to which I convert to right frequencies for things depending on the healing Im doing).. I mixed it with, has never caused me an issue before this or after and is safe if used correctly, I'd been using the other regularly for about 3 years doing often very successful healings regularly on others. Nothing dark there either...

What I think happened exactly is the reiki boosted the power of the other energy and made it too strong (so then the will i put into the healing which usually would of been fine with the strength of healing energies i usually use of other form, was then way too much and hence then damaging. Just too strong,

Im a 6th or is it 7th (I forgot now) generation traditionally trained usui reiki channel. My reiki teacher was Barbara McGregor, her teacher was Beth Grey who was one of the 22 taught by Hawayo Takata. Beth is the one who first brought usui reiki to Australia where I am. I have a clear reiki lineage... no connection to anything dark there with that. I do not channel dark energies.

reiki is about connecting with a lineage to Source to access that life force energy - it's always positive and healing never the opposite

yes I know and it is that unless mixed like I did... my experience is proof it isnt always harmless if used differently.
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