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Old 15-08-2018, 08:47 AM
happy soul happy soul is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 418
Hi solofff!

My feeling is that no one else knows what the next step for you is. Unfortunately there are spiritual teachers out there who will claim to know what's right for you, and will suggest that you do as they say, but ultimately, only YOU know what's right for you.

Having said that, and even though I can't tell you what's best for you, I CAN help you figure out, FOR YOURSELF, what you should do, but ONLY by pointing you in the direction of figuring it out on your own.

The following are some helpful ideas for finding your way and following divine guidance.

- Do what gives you joy. Take the path that makes you truly happy.

- Pray about it. But the prayers need not be long or complicated. Just say something like, 'God, help me to succeed and do what's right for me. Help me make the right choice.' God WILL answer your prayer.

- Rather than worry so much about making the right choice, just follow your heart and do as you please. It's crazy how much time and effort I used to spend trying to figure out what to do. I should have just made a choice and trusted that, ultimately, there's no such thing as failure. A quote from the Angels that Doreen Virtue channels is, 'We angels are here to share with you a spiritual truth: you can't commit an error; all that you do is right.' (that's from day 285 in Daily Guidance from Your Angels)

I hope this helps.
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