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Old 04-09-2017, 09:46 PM
Fairyana Fairyana is offline
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The left side is related to past conditioning, desires, everything past related, inner emotions. When it's off balance it leads to lethargy, melancholy and depression. When in balance it supports the pure desire that leads you to do good in life and is responsible for that wonderful warm feeling inside we get when we are feeling pure joy. To balance the left side, your footsoak for meditation should be warm (don't forget the salt). You can do it as many times you wish for as many weeks until you feel better. Then you might want to switch to room temperature to maintain balance.

If you feel it's not working after a long time, switch to cold water, but from what you say, it really seems it's the left that needs balance. The right side is your action side. Over active right side can cause anxiety, insomnia, everything that comes up from over activity. But sometimes it's having a whole bunch of desires and not being able to act on them is also a problem. Another trick is to have two basins, a warm one for your left foot and a cold one for your right foot! But nothing beats a nice warm relaxing footsoak, so enjoy!

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