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Old 25-01-2017, 08:07 PM
KeeperOfTheLight KeeperOfTheLight is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 54
During the years I've used crystals primarily for meditations and astral travel type experiences, I have found that cleansing crystals can definitely help in feeling a closer connection with the crystal, especially on the physical level.

The strongest type of cleansing I've found would be putting the crystal under running water for a short time. Of course this can't be done with crystals that are water soluble. It would probably be incredibly more effective if I had a brook or creek on my property, but using faucet water definitely does work.

Next would be meditating with the stone and visualizing that you are placing it in a creek to cleanse it. This helps particularly if the stone is water soluble or just a bit too impractical to put under running water.

For smaller stones, I also use something that you can get at any kitchen supply store. I have purchased a batch of Himalayan salt slabs used for cooking and built small boxes under them with a light bulb. This creates a Himalayan salt lamp with a flat surface that you can place stones on. Works great for keeping the stones in a perpetual cleansed state.
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