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Old 06-10-2016, 01:52 PM
no1wakesup no1wakesup is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 298
Originally Posted by Starman
I like very much what you have shared here, and it seems you may be speaking from experience or at least insight. In my out-of-body experiences this human life is perceived as a faint dream; like it never really happened. I agree that duality is a "forming concept which happens after birth," as you have stated.

When we are in our natural translucent state things pass through us and we do not necessarily hang on to and grasp labels and distinctions of what is around us. I have definite experience of seeing radiant light within all things; experiences like this I've found after doing a lot of quiet meditation. When the mind and all of its chatter is not present we can view things as one and there is no this and that. When we silently dwell in the eternal moment all there is, is this everlasting moment in quiet stillness with a kaleidoscopic motion seemingly taking place therein.

For me it is not one thing or the other as I view it as one with various facets. We are born with our eyes wide open and from there the potential/urge is strong to get caught up in the drama. But as you have stated, would we even know non-duality if not for duality, and this also begs the question, how differently would we know the one if we had never experienced the seemingly many? Thank you for sharing.

Well said and thanks.

That which experiences the many from an identification in form cannot know
Its true transparant nature from the same mechanism that can only manufacture experience. We attempt to find the infinite from finite means and look for the nothingness from the comfortable safe haven of somethingness. There is no such thing as detatchment from that state, only replacement.

And so, the opposite of the many is not the one. In the mind its just another opposing idea or concept about it. So there is no opposite. The one is not even the "first" thing. It never began yet can appear to begin in separation as the material world unfolds. The mind, usually, cant see that because it is saturated with beginning and end. Its fundamental process revolves around targeting, grasping and coveting. Whether an infant does that with space, a child with time or in a fully mature egoic mind looking for its next "search for meaning" fix

What is percieved as linear time and relational form is an investment too great, be it conceptual, to simply set aside. So we are not here to negate separation but instead to see it* as play. The challenge, instead, is to reconcile an illusionary identification with a separate form. And by reconciling I mean to re identify. Not a recognition that could only further interpret and intellectualize ...but an awareness which can further endure and expand until it itself is realized as primary (aka..authentic natural state)
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