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Old 27-08-2014, 05:54 PM
Lisbet Lisbet is offline
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Posts: 477
Originally Posted by isolaskye
Very interesting way you put that. I've been with my fiancé since we were in the 8th grade. I know it's silly but I have a big problem with masturbation or at least when he does it because in my head, I'm right here.

I haven't read them but there are books out there speaking about masturbation and porn being the 'fall of masculinity'.

I couldn't explain it to anyone and for some reason not even my fiance but masturbation to me is such a waste. Not just a waste of fluids and energy but I would have to agree with the title of that book, about it causing a unbalance in all men who do it. We didn't have porn in the old days, we didn't have such pointless banter about such things because they were too busy protecting their families, kids, food and wife. You know trying not to die 'n all that. Now, our minds are all moving at stupid speeds where the mentality is now now now. Me me me. And then theres another little thing called society that tells you all thats fine. Making you change your beliefs because 'it's okay, everyones doing it'.

Not much people think like me and hell not even my fiancé but it's very interesting to hear that someone else feels something. I myself don't even masturbate because I can't, I'd try and it just won't happen of I always picture my partners face. I thought I was alone in my stance and I feel silly that I let it get to me but I think thats another reason why its not good because like me I'm conflicted with it, it doesn't feel good to me anyway and I believe in pure physical sex energiess.

I have to say I can relate with you. My fiancé does several times a day. I don't mind because I still need to work on my sexuality. I feel like everyone's opinion of normal intervals is quite extreme. Where do they find the time and energy? Lol. But this is a problem of mine of being ever depleted of energy so I don't have much left to muster by way of my sexuality.

However, he has many addictions/vises that he puts all his energy in. Smoking, junk food, masturbating, watching tv, playing video games. All are fine in moderation (sans smoking), but besides work all his energy goes to these and they are in excess and he is addicted, I suspect even escapist for him. But for us it's like we are both depleted I guess for different reasons. Miraculously we do wonderfully in spite of this.

But I hadn't thought of this before. We could be spending more quality time in our lives, being creative in our lives, and really living in an abundant way if we didn't get dragged down by our energy draining habits. These little things do add up. They do take up your time, your energy, and we find we are not our best selves but always scratch our heads for the reason, or just put everything we want in the "future".

I think when we build habits we build energetic pathways, just like when we learn something and build neural pathways. So once an addiction begins our life energy naturally begins to flow in the direction of that addiction or habit. Thus it is directed away from every other potential. It is true that it's all about direction, I think.
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