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Old 12-03-2018, 04:16 PM
LostintheLore LostintheLore is offline
Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: New York
Posts: 53
That is a great story and it is understandable there was fear at the time. It was new and foreign. Almost a year a go I had a handful of out of body experiences and the like. I remember vaguely during one of them ending up on a vessel that was VERY similar to the Enterprise in Star Trek. They were having an expo of sorts where they were sharing technology, such as VR machines. I don't remember much but I remember even though I was freaking out everyone seemed calm and were trying to reassure me that I was safe. Unfortunately I don't remember faces. This was before I was spiritual. I had never meditated or explored any spiritual avenues. That changed really quickly. You are not alone!
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