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Old 13-06-2018, 09:33 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 987
Tittles are only important for the purpose of understanding.

I would agree with starstar's last post to a certain point. However, there are some text book definitions. For example, Micheal Newton's definitions of soulmates, which is based on years of data collection and research. I would disagree that all his work "doesn't hold any water".
From what I've learned and experienced, soulmates are quiet different from twin flames and serve a different purpose. So comparing the 2 is somewhat like comparing apples to oranges. Of course, there are different forms of soulmates, so it depends on what form you are talking about.

I'm thinking that "higher" may be the wrong term, maybe "closer connection" would make more sense.
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