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Old 30-12-2011, 11:31 PM
silent whisper
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Xan
The fly has to keep a little distance to taste it.

Yes, but this little distance is not an either/or sort of thing. I learned from Dzogchen Buddhism that we can be aware both as the absolute - the oneness, and as an individual conscious in the silent presence... simultaneously. This is also my own experience.


I have never found the words to describe something in my space connects to this......which brings me to another question in my mind..Why is that understanding is sometimes needed after experience and not the other way around? why must we understand? Why isnt the experience itself enough? Perhaps because I sit in a space right now, which I do not understand, but I am experiencing. Unsure of its purpose, unsure of its opening...but aware of it all...I guess it becomes another level of it is...nothing more.
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