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Old 28-01-2019, 07:21 PM
NoOne NoOne is offline
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Originally Posted by Altair
It's not that plants are more ''vibrating'' than animals. It's got to do with the number of senses a living being has and reducing suffering. Naturally, this means consumption of animal corpses is out of the picture. Animals have more senses than plants so there is more suffering involved, similarly killing a human would be even worse. What carnivores/omnivores don't seem to understand is that their logic would eventually imply that killing and eating humans isn't much of a deal either. Why make the exception with humans..? If animals and plants are equal there's no line between humans and the others either.

But what this ''vibrational food'' is about is practising non-violence. No diet is free of harm, but some do less than others. Not putting the corpse in your body will also be of benefit since your body will feel lighter for spiritual practice. This is why nearly all spiritual practices, minus perhaps prayer and use of drugs to induce hallucination, is accompanied by the advocacy of a vegetarian diet. Sure, humanity have been flesh eaters for much of history but that is beyond the point. We've become a civilized species and there's really no way around that any more. Hunting isn't possible for Joe Average or even sustainable if practised on a mass scale.

And the factory farming is needlessly cruel. Do you know what those animals go through when they're brought to the slaughterhouse. Utter dread and fear.. that long dark journey.. first in the farm, then on the roads, and then in the slaughterhouse. Have you seen fear and stress in animal eyes, up close? It is awful. I have visited a concentration camp in Germany and how we treat animals is so similar to what happened in Europe back then. It is dreadful and I find it profoundly puzzling and bizarre how it is treated as such a minor topic in any spiritual discussion..

I think your objection is to the food chain and the natural world itself. You don't seem to like the fact that all living things must suffer and that most of us are part of the food chain. Even humans get eaten sometimes by other animals. Sure, killing is cruel, but I don't think it matters to any animal, whether it is killed in a slaughterhouse or torn apart and eaten alive by lions or wolves.

Personally, I think the latter is worse. Also, most domesticated animals exist because we raise and eat them. Most would be unable to survive in the natural world and would go extinct pretty quickly if we stopped eating them today. This has already happened to many species that suddenly went out of fashion for one reason or another.

I certainly don't think it is an ideal situation and it would be much better if the natural world contained no suffering, pain and cruelty. Unfortunately, reality is rather different and we have to live in the reality we got, not the one we would like to have.
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