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Old 03-07-2017, 09:58 PM
wednesdayschild wednesdayschild is offline
Join Date: Mar 2016
Posts: 149
I think this is one of the most significant role of a TF connection. On one hand we always hear about how we are mirrors and we bring up dark, unhealed aspects of each other. This can repel us from the connection, but I also think that when we are apart, a lot of healing is done around these issues and I am sure this is what contributes to the confusion of the 'runners' (sorry to label!)
The ultimate mission of TFs is to awaken and start to heal ourselves and in turn, humanity, animals and the planet (I believe!)

Right from the start of knowing my TF we triggered each other really badly amidst the euphoria of knowing we's met someone really deeply soul connected. We've had time apart and we are still apart, but we keep in contact via messenger. He has healed my low self esteem by 'rejecting' me (in my eyes) time and time again...but he has explained it's HIM who is scared and nothing to do with me, which has healed me from these fears. My attachment issues..I used to panic when I didnt hear from him for a few days...oh he's forgotten me, I've done something wrong, etc but now I know that's not true. It's part of him, he needs space to think about things and always comes back with words like 'I miss you so much' and 'I felt lost without you' In turn, here are so many ways I am healing him by being a constant friend and being his lover and best friend in one he is turning his though patterns around and learning to trust in love again. We tell each other all this.
My cat died on Saturday and he loved her. I had a cry to him and told him I felt guilty for not knowing she was ill before...he then told me about a dog he had and the guilt he felt for exact same reason...we talked it through and I've lifted 10 years of guilt of him by just being his mirror. It's unbelievable this connection. Hell and Heaven!
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