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Old 14-08-2020, 07:57 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Renunciation
There are forces who deliver Godly knowledge to the noble souls. In hinduism they are called devas and devies (deities), in christianity it's angels and in islam it's malaikah. what are the differences between these forces and the GOD?

We could consider Creation as Source expressing itself through energies and principles manifesting as a hierarchy of beings and forms.

In this hierarchy of beings there are those who are closer to Source who have a greater understanding of the governing principles and energies. When I say "closer to Source" I am not speaking in terms of distance, because Source is everywhere. Those who are more aligned with Source provide guidance for those who are less aligned with Source.

So all these devas, angels, etc are beings who are higher up in the hierarchy of beings, but they are still expressions of Source, not Source itself. We too as beings stand somewhere in this hierarchy, learning to align ourselves with the greater Will of Source.

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