Thread: Having trouble
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Old 07-08-2015, 08:09 AM
Posts: n/a
i would say, just keep in that open state and release any doubts. That's what I do whenever I notice them arising. That way you can experience the flow better. Without thinking or doubting that there is any flow going on at all. In regards to your break up, be patient. i know this is a little cliche but: if it's meant to be it will. If not, then there's something better coming your way (as hard as that is to sometimes accept, stay open and then you will be able to see the new opportunity) :)

Personally following these practices has helped my life a lot. I am much more open to new opportunities because what happened in the past isn't holding me back anymore. Losing attachment to what has happened is very important, also losing attachment to what will happen. That doesn't mean doing nothing, it just means doing what you feel is right for you, sometimes this may mean doing nothing and being okay with that. Then when you feel like doing something you will do it with your entire being and not be thinking about something else. When you go through a whole day like that you actually feel a sense of accomplishment with everything you have done because you did it completely and your entire being was doing it. I feel that's what living without regrets is like. And if we do something without putting our entire being into it, that's okay, we just stand up and try again,
I would liken it to juggling. If you beat yourself up about dropping the balls and not being in the flow, you will give up. But if you remain calm and relaxed you will just keep trying, and eventually you will find yourself dropping the balls less and less. That's forgiveness, I feel :)
All the best and keep at it! Yet in a detached manner. New opportunities are as abundant as the stars in the sky. There is 7billionish people on our earth after all!
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