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Old 21-04-2019, 10:55 AM
suira suira is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 7
A cloak of fire.

Hello, I have a bit of an odd question.
First off, a bit of information about myself.
I have been energy sensitive for most of my life. When I was young I use to see demons in people and their aura. I also have an odd sense of when something is about to go immidiately wrong. Recently I moved a box full of glass and before I went to pick it up I felt the glass shatter. So I carried it by hugging the box instead of using the handle. After inspection I noticed that the handle was broken. I get these same impulses while driving.
My sight has gotten worse as I have gotten older but I can sense things a lot better now. Which is odd when it comes to aura because I have mostly lost the ability to see but at the same time they feel clearer. It’s like I am viewing with my minds eye and nothing registers for my normal vision.
I have also had multiple kundalini experiences (I make no claim to enlightenment just communion).

So here’s my question.
My brother’s girl friend is also sensitive. She can see auras and a lot of other weird things. I don’t quite understand everything that she is able to perceive.
Now I haven’t really been able to get a read on my own aura and asked her what she saw. She said I was green (which makes sense to me) and that I was wearing fire from head to toe. She said she had seen other people who had fire in a few spots on their body but never encased in it.

I can’t find any references of such a thing. Have any of you heard of this? Any idea what it means?

Thank you for your time.
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