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Old 18-03-2019, 06:12 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
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Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by IndigoGeminiWolf
Will atheists not see anything, and experience oblivion for a short time after they die? Or will they still believe they are alive?

The after-death literature does suggest that if someone denies any kind of after-death existence then they may lapse into an unconscious state following physical death. Or those whose earthly lives are entirely focused on material values may not believe that their physical body has died because as far as they are concerned they are very much alive.

But at the same time there are many examples of those who did not believe in an after-life while physically alive but are pleasantly surprised to find that the death of the physical body is not the end of conscious existence.

It makes sense that our after-death experience does not just totally depend on our earthly beliefs, but also on our overall level of development.

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